Shah P, Gugwad SC, Bhat C, Lodaya R.
Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, BVDU Dental College and Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra India.
Endodontic treatment makes the tooth brittle due to loss of bulk of tooth structure, decrease in the moisture content of dentin and dentin elasticity. The following study was carried out to evaluate the effect of endodontic treatment on the fracture resistance of the tooth and reinforcing ability of three different core materials. The following study comprised of sample size of 30 deciduous second molars divided into control group (6) and test group (24). Access opening was done in 24 and 18th teeth with access opening were restored with three different core materials namely IRM (6), silver amalgam (6), GIC (6). All the 30 were subjected to fracture test using UTM (Universal testing machine)- Instron 95. Result showed a drastic reduction in the fracture resistance of the tooth on access opening (1/3rd) and out of the three core materials glass ionomer was shown to be the best core material giving the highest fracture registrance followed by silver amalgam and IRM.
PMID: 22430696 [PubMed – in process] 1. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2012 Jan 1;13(1):66-70.